
EURORDIS is a federation of patient-centered non-governmental associations representing 733 patient organizations in 64 countries. EURORDIS is the voice of 30 million people affected by rare diseases in Europe.
If you want to find out more, visit the site www.eurordis.org

Dravet Syndrome European Federation (DSEF) is a non-profit organization, a federation of European organizations, active in the field of Dravet syndrome and led by patients and carers. Together we have built a strong European community of people living with Dravet syndrome. We are the voice of this community and, directly or indirectly, we fight against the impact of Dravet syndrome.
If you want to find out more, visit the site www.dravet.eu
EpiCARE: European reference network for rare and complex epilepsies.
If you want to find out more, visit the site www.epi-care.eu

ePAG Italy: the representation of people with rare disease in ERNs
If you want to find out more, visit the site www.epag-italia.it

The MAG NETWORK OF SOCIAL ECONOMY AND ETHICAL FINANCE is composed of over 500 social enterprises, cooperatives, associations, foundations and other organizations that deal with activities for the care of people and territories, agriculture respectful of the ecosystem, community microeconomics , of rediscovery of craft professions and knowledge, of training and education, of culture, of care of common goods, of environmental protection, of international cooperation, of fair trade, of responsible tourism, of microcredit, of solidarity finance ... in perspective self-employment and self-management, creating a new and good job.
If you want to find out more, visit the site www.magverona.it/retemag/
The Rare Epilepsies Alliance was established "online" at the beginning of 2021 on the occasion of the meeting The Rare and Complex Epilepsies - Associations & Research in comparison held on Friday 19 February 2021 - 15: 30-18: 30 on the zoom platform organized by Isabella Brambilla, President of Dravet Italia Onlus and coordinator of epag Epicare, and endorsed by ERN EpiCARE.
If you want to find out more, visit https://www.alleanzaepilessierare.it/