The event represents a moment of involvement and participation of the public / enthusiast / golfer, an opportunity of great visibility for companies wishing to communicate their commitment to charitable activities on a national scale.
The Pro-Am “In Buca per il Sorriso” will be held on 4 October 2021 at the Golf Brianza Country Club in Usmate Velate (MB), with an 18-hole medal formula. The start will be shot gun at 12.00 (the best two results per hole). During the match day, all players will be given a complete refreshment treatment.
The day will begin with the check-in of the players, there will be a press conference with the opening of the event and the teams that will take pictures with Matteo Manassero will then be presented. Around noon the PRO-AM will start, after which the aperitif will follow. The day will end with dinner, the awards ceremony and the charity draw.
The direction of the event is entrusted to Isabella Brambilla and Elisa Giarola, with the collaboration of Francesca Scandola and the volunteers of the Onlus.
Dravet Italia Onlus will take care of the hospitality of the whole day (breakfast, buvette, aperitif and dinner) and will support the Donors teams for any need.

Recognized as legal personality with provision of the Regional Council of Veneto dated 09.12.2015 n ° 815.
Agreement with the AOUI of Verona Prot. 1306 of 12/01/2021. Approved with Resolution no. 1392 of 12/30/2020
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